Starter-Kit Self Help versus Reality

Don’t be a starter-kit self-help evangelist. No one respects that. Copy is filled with tight cliché’s and promises based on what was written in a book seventy years ago.

We are beyond that now. People need real solutions to real problems.

Right now, people are Outcome-Driven, Certainty-Focussed and Doubt- Fulfilled. That is, they want the outcome and the certainty to focus sufficiently to get there. BUT they are unfulfilled on the journey and often even upon arriving at the destination.

When real problems strike, cliché’s don’t cut it.

There’s only so much Focus on the positive that will wash.

Strategy and understanding are what is required. Solve problems and adds value. We must step beyond the confines of the classroom and play in the field of life called…reality.

Here’s one of the challenges….and the solution.

Lots of people are looking for fulfilment, believing they will feel fulfilled when they get there. This is a FALSE premise. Upon reaching the fabled Fulfilment rank, they will feel one emotion relatively quickly.


Ok, I got there. Now what?

The problem with fulfilment is that life continues and fulfilment – just like enlightenment – is wrongly perceived to be an end-point, rather than simply another state in life.

Rather than aiming for fulfilment, chart a course to meaning.

Chart a course to Strength and Will. To Passion, Purpose and Hope.

These are far more important, long-lasting and movement focussed landmarks of life.

Beware the Starter-Kit advice and live a life worth remembering.

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