Welcome, I’m Chris Lianos.

Let’s have a chat you and I.

I’ve recently entered the 5o’s club and live in Sydney with my wife Aleni and our little girl Hope the toy cavoodle. 

I’ve been in leadership roles and working in the personal development arena for more than half my life. It’s my passion to do the work I do now, where I help others who were like me to break free from the rat race and take the plunge into designing the life they want to live.

For me the final straw was a cataclysmic fall from grace when the security of my job was threatened that I knew that it was time for massive changes. It began with me searching for someone to FIX ME, to give me the MAGIC cure or pill that would make everything ok.

When I discovered it doesn’t exist.

The problem wasn’t out there and neither was the solution.

It was time to look inside. To really own who I was and who I was not. To decide how I wanted to live out the rest of my life.

I had to get honest and make the commitment to courageously show up for myself.

The truthful bottom line?

It takes your time, energy and determination to create the life you want to live.

If you are ready and committed to thrive… then I welcome you to connect with me so you can become unstoppable.

You can elevate your career and have meaningful relationships for true fulfilment in your life.

You can become the Exceptional Leader for your life and career. 

And if you join me, your life is about to TRANSFORM.


NLP Master Coach

NLP Trainer

Time Line Therapy® Trainer

Master Hypnosis Trainer

Reiki Master

Bachelors Degree in Metaphysics

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Karate Instructor

I’ve worked with clients from all over the world that include:

High level Network Marketers in the top .1% of their company.

Rising Coaches & Healers who want to use NLP to get predictable results for their clients.

Budding Entrepreneurs ready to take the plunge and start their own dream business.

High performing leaders who were ready to pivot and level up their careers.

Husbands that need to stand up and remember how to be counted on and be men.

Artists and designers craving to let their creativity flow in life and business.

Couples on the verge of separation who wanted to stay together.


— Chris Lianos

I've Worked With Clients From....

Professional Qualifications

Website and all content ©2025 Chris Lianos. All rights reserved. Developed by Focused Results

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