Managing our Cognitive Bias

Managing our Cognitive Bias

Managing our Cognitive Bias

Social media is a wonderful tool for connection, and if used in a profoundly open way for discourse and communication, it brings us all together. Yet, it also represents a collective platform for the spread of cognitive bias. Under normal conditions, we navigate our cognitive bias effectively. How do we do it though when our cognitive bias, fuelled with the availability of an international platform gives everyone a voice?

It’s important to remember that our human brains are wired for survival, not necessarily growth. Therefore they do 3 things incredibly well.

Delete information that does not meet our cognitive bias.

Distort information that does not meet our cognitive bias.

Generalise information that does not meet our cognitive bias.

In other words, if you leave it to your brain to decipher the world, you will see and accept only what you already believe to be true.

Wisdom starts when we question our very beliefs and ask ourselves:

Why do I believe that?

Why do I want to believe that?

What would happen if I didn’t believe that?

Is it fundamentally true?

This is the start of managing our own cognitive bias.

Talk soon.


PS – If you’re looking for a new podcast, check out The Naked Mindset at I share 2 episodes a week with easy steps, motivation tools and mindset hacks that help you achieve your goals.


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