When you are involved in direct sales and marketing, one of the greatest impediments to success is failing to focus on the activities that are important to achieving a solid income. What many people in sales refer to as ‘rain maker activities.’ I found that while I knew quite clearly the results I wanted to achieve, I had trouble clarifying between what I wanted to do and what I needed to do .
Chris has helped me define what those rain maker activities are, and forced me to align my thoughts and mental focus with the shortest route to achieving my objectives. I definitely have a habit of overthinking and over-planning on all that I do – something Chris unhesitatingly called me out on as ‘avoidance behaviour.’ He helped me get to the true reasons as to why I wanted to create success in network marketing, and what were the elements in by behaviour, mindset and character that I needed work on in order to reach the goals I had set myself.
When I began with a new company in October 2016, I was able to put in action the lessons he had imparted over the year prior, and I believe it is that different mindset and set of beliefs that helped me rank advance twice in just 15 days.
I highly recommend Chris Lianos because he has incredible passion for what he does. He doesn’t simply want his clients to be rich and happy, and all those things that many lifestyle coaches seem to parrot. What Chris wants is for you to achieve the life of your choice, with an approach that seeks to raise every aspect of the way you live, communicate, work and honour yourself.
If you’re prepared to live life true to what you want out of it, let Chris Lianos guide you to making it happen.