It’s easy to adopt the mindset of victimhood. It’s easy – just like the flu. Hang around people that have it and you will find it difficult to avoid the damn infection. Your environment plays a significant role in your manifesting the prosperity you want to have. And no...
Archive for category: Procrastination
Victimhood is Catchy
Everything is a Recipe
When clients come to me for assistance, the first thing I am thinking about is ‘How do they do this problem?” See, everything we do….everything, has a recipe. When you fold your arms, you fold them either right on top of left… …or left on top of right. Asked...
Do you have parts?
Chris Lianos, , Coaching, Fear, Growth, Procrastination, Success, 0
Do you feel conflicted about a decision? One part of you feels one way and another feels a different way. This may be a sign of congruency-failure. Congruency-Failure sucks your energy, makes you feel weak and breeds on feelings of unworthiness and self doubt. To succeed, you must make...
The Ridiculous Power Inside You
I’ve been speaking and abundance on these posts, my Lives and my event for years now and I wanted to share a specific moment that demonstrates the incredible power of the Circulation Law of Prosperity. We recently took my father shopping for a new TV. Nothing too fancy. His...
Is it all about the Grind? Really?
So you’re a high achiever. You want to get to your goal, to have the success. You’ve seen that picture floating on social of the high rise tower at night, all lights off, except 1 about 2/3 of the way up, and the caption reads…. “Entrepreneur. Do what others...
Pick Up the Pace
Pick Up the Pace. I was listening to the inspirational TD Jakes the other day and he asked a thought-provoking question that I’d like to put here for you. What will make you pick up the pace? The pace to get to your goal. The pace of action. The...
My greatest fear of being wrong
Chris Lianos, , Coaching, Fear, MIndset, NLP, Procrastination, Uncategorized, 0
I saw this meme recently that said, “To have a creative life we must give up the fear of being wrong”. Now, I agree with this. BUT… I think it goes much farther than a ‘creative life’. I know I have been crippled by inaction through a fear of...
Are you lying to yourself?
In the last post I talked about clues that we can be off-track. Believe it or not, some people still not only stay stuck in an environment or state that is not serving them, they also stack the negatives one on top of the other. (WHAT? Yes I couldn’t...
Are you off-track?
So, in yesterday’s post we talked about self-sabotage, something that affects even the most productive and best in the world. But how do you know if you’re off-track? If self-sabotage is evidently normal, how can we identify where we are and what we need to do to move forward?...
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