If one word brings humanity to an end, it will be the word ‘Impossible’.
Or more precisely, it will be our familiarity with that word.
Think about it.
How many things do you truly believe are impossible?
The big goal that you keep quiet, for fear that family and friends will laugh?
Impossible is a tricky word.
It implies a comparison to the current state of affairs.
Let’s look at some impossibilities from the last 100 years:
Landing on the moon: done6 times from 1969-1972
Breaking the 4-minute mile: done 1954, Roger Bannister
Breaking the 10 second barrier in the 100M sprint: done 1968, Jim Hines.
Scoring perfect 10’s in Gymnastics: done 1976 Montreal Olympic Games (Nadia Comaneci got 7 perfect 10’s)
The slowest person in the skating sprint, winning the gold medal: done Steve Bradbury 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Games
Flight: done, the Wright Brother 1903
Climbing Mount Everest: done, 1953
There are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of examples where one could say that was impossible. And yet…..It’s done.
What does that tell us about humanity…about YOU?
It’s very difficult for us to empirically deny the possibility of something if we correctly acknowledge our propensity to make the impossible possible.
Here are some things you might agree are impossible right now:
Reversing ageing
Undoing the decay of the human body leading to death
World peace
Self-replicating robot colonies
A cure for ALL disease