The 5 Laws of Growth – Law 3 – Searching

So in today’s post we go a little deeper.

To recap, we are spending 5 days together going through the 5 Laws of Growth.

Law 1 – Visioning. Read it here if you need a recap.

High level – what is your goal?

Law 2 – Realising. Go here to read.

High level – realise you must change to get there

Law 3 is called ‘Searching’

Consider this – if you are a general about to send your troops into foreign territory, what is the first thing you do?

You send in scouts or, more likely, deploy drones to scope the lay of the land. You want to know as much as you can about what you might encounter before you commit your resources.

Your goals require the same thought patters.

You are the general of your life and you are about to deploy your most important resources to the attainment of a goal.

– Time

– Money

– Attention

If you go in blind you are likely to miss the change in the terrain and end up wasting hours/days/weeks on activity that does not produce results. I call this activity ‘rain-maker-activity’. Your goal is to produce consistent rain-maker-activity at all times.

To do that you need to take an umbrella view. A high-level strategic view of your activity and goals, and you need to have the help of a scout.

Imagine the insights you can have if you have the assistance of someone who has walked the path before you?

As you are charging across new terrain, he yells out ‘Come this way – it’s faster”.

This is the power of a good coach.

In the third law of Growth, you start searching for people or ways to get you to your goal faster than you can get there yourself.

And the number 1 thing to focus on, to prioritise above all others, is a radical shift in your mindset.

If you had the perfect plan and felt you could not execute upon it – it would be just like a treasure map in the hands of a land locked baker.

Searching requires you to find a way to get through your personal blocks to your success.

What are some of the most common obstacles you might encounter along the way?

– Procrastination

– Fear of success and failure

– Doubt

– Unsupportive family and friends

– Changes to external conditions

All of these road-blocks are calls to you to step into a different response pattern.

To do that you must search for a way through, and you must clear the internal pattern that is playing, the pattern holding you back.

So what do you think? Do you struggle with any of these obstacles and are your ready to search for the answers?

That’s where we kick off tomorrow with Law 4.

Until then.

Be Awesome.


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